Cane Corso: Guard Dog and Adorable Companion

Le Cane Corso : Chien de Garde et Adorable Compagnon

The Cane Corso is a dog from Italy. As an excellent guard dog, he is also an adorable companion for families with or without children. He is gentle, attentive, faithful, and loyal. He is a sporty dog who needs daily activity. He has robust health and is very easy to care for.

Origins and History

Cane Corso

The Cane Corso, or Italian courtyard dog, is a direct descendant of the large Roman Molossers and the Canis pugnax from the Roman era. His name comes from Latin and designates a "protector" dog, "guardian of farms." Long considered the ideal companion for Italians, they used to have him by their side to guard their property, family, livestock, and to accompany them on hunts.

Physical Characteristics

The Cane Corso is a robust and imposing dog. Here are some of his distinctive features:

  • Coat: Short.
  • Color: Black, lead gray, slate gray, light gray, light fawn, deer fawn, dark fawn, brindle: hence the term "blue Cane Corso" for some of them.
  • Head: The skull is wide and slightly arched, the stop is very pronounced. The muzzle is very wide and deep.
  • Ears: Triangular and fall forward. Generally chestnut in color, they can also be white or spotted.
  • Eyes: Medium-sized.
  • Body: Compact, robust, and muscular.
  • Tail: Set rather high on the croup, it is thick at the root then tapers.

Behavior and Training

The Cane Corso is an exceptional guard dog, but he is also an affectionate and loyal companion. It is important to start his training early, with firmness but without harshness. His owner must be confident and assertive for the Cane Corso to respect the boundaries set.

Compatibility with Children and Family

The Cane Corso is an excellent family dog. His gentle and patient temperament makes him an ideal companion for children. He loves to play and is always ready to participate in family activities. His affectionate nature and need to be close to his owners make him very endearing. However, as with any breed, it is important to supervise interactions with very young children to prevent accidents.

The Cane Corso Feeding Guide

The Cane Corso, with his imposing physique and active nature, requires a balanced and nutrient-rich diet to maintain his vitality and overall health. Here are some essential points to consider for properly feeding your Cane Corso:

  • High-Quality Proteins: Proteins are crucial for muscle development and tissue repair. Protein sources like chicken, beef, fish, and lamb are ideal for meeting the Cane Corso's high protein needs.
  • Healthy Fats: Fats provide a concentrated source of energy and are essential for healthy skin and a shiny coat. Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids, found in fish and high-quality oils, are particularly beneficial.
  • Fiber: Fiber promotes good digestion and contributes to intestinal health. Vegetables, fruits, and whole grains are good sources of fiber.
  • Vitamins and Minerals: A balanced diet should include vitamins and minerals to support the dog's immune system and overall health. Supplements can be beneficial, but they should be administered under the supervision of a veterinarian.

It is essential to choose a diet tailored to your Cane Corso's age, weight, and activity level. Always consult a veterinarian for personalized advice.

Treat Recommendations

To complement your Cane Corso's diet, Marly & Dan offers a range of premium treats tailored to your four-legged companion's needs. Here are some of the most recommended options:

  • Skin & Coat 100% Salmon: Rich in Omega-3, these contribute to healthy skin and a shiny coat. Perfect for maintaining your dog's immune system and heart health.
  • Dental M-L: Help reduce plaque and tartar, contributing to better oral hygiene.
  • Joint Snacks: Enriched with glucosamine and chondroitin, these snacks support joint health, essential for an active and muscular dog like the Cane Corso.

Marly & Dan treats are made in France with natural and high-quality ingredients, ensuring healthy and tasty snacks for your Cane Corso. Give him the best by choosing Marly & Dan, a brand dedicated to excellence in animal nutrition.

Living Conditions

The Cane Corso can live indoors but preferably outdoors. His hair sheds little, and he barks judiciously. Moreover, he does not drool, making him very clean. The Cane Corso is a great athlete. He needs space to entertain himself and run. Thus, he will be much more at ease in the countryside or in a house with a garden. He must be taken out very regularly, often for long periods. He can also accompany his owner on jogs or bike rides.

Health and Care

Cane Corso

The Cane Corso has two shedding periods in the year. His care is minimal: occasional brushing and inspecting his coat after each walk are sufficient. Strong and sturdy, he does not have any particular health issues, although some dogs of the same breed suffer from hip dysplasia, which should be closely monitored.

Price and Budget

The purchase price of a Cane Corso is between 900€ and 1200€. The annual maintenance cost ranges from 850€ to 950€, including food, veterinary care, and other necessary expenses for his well-being.

The Cane Corso is a faithful, energetic companion, ideal for active families. With proper training and plenty of exercise, he will bring joy and dynamism to your home.

The Cane Corso at a Glance

Easy to train:


Absolutely! The Cane Corso is a gentle and playful companion, perfect for children. His affectionate nature and need to stay close to his owners make him an excellent friend for the little ones.

Yes, the Cane Corso is a very energetic dog who needs a lot of exercise. Long walks and outdoor activities are essential for his well-being.

The Cane Corso's ears should be checked regularly for signs of infection or dirt. Clean them with an appropriate solution recommended by your veterinarian. Ensure they are thoroughly dried after bathing to maintain their health.