Sleep in a dog and a cat, how long do they sleep?

Sleep is crucial for the health and well-being of our pets, but how long does a dog or a cat really sleep? Although the two species are mammals and share many similarities in their sleep cycle, there are also significant differences between the sleep habits of dogs and cats. In this article, we will explore the duration of sleep in dogs and cats, as well as the factors that influence their sleep habits.
A cat's sleep time
Cats are fascinating and mysterious animals. Their tendency to sleep a lot is an example. If you own a cat, you have probably noticed that they sleep most of the time. On average, An adult cat sleeps between 12 and 16 hours a day. However, it is important to note that cats do not sleep in a single block, but rather in several naps throughout the day.
Cats are night animals, which means they tend to be more active at night. During the day, they tend to make short naps, often interrupted by periods of activity. If you have a cat at home, you have probably noticed that they have moments of great activity, followed by long periods of sleep. Cats are able to switch from the statement of sleep to the sleep state in no time, which allows them to quickly recover from their efforts.
The different cat's sleep phases
Light sleep
This is the First phase of the sleep cycle. The cat is in a state of half-sleep, but remains awake. Its vigilance is always active, which manifests itself by the movements of its ears and its eyelids sometimes half open. During this phase, your cat will change position if it is disturbed during his sleep, which is why it should not be forced to stay in the place you have appointed for him.
Deep sleep
This is the primordial phase of sleep in cats, because it promotes the regeneration of cells and revitalization of the organism. Also known as the mental rest phase or bodily regeneration, Deep sleep in cats can last about 30 minutes. During this period, brain activity is reduced to a minimum, breathing becomes slow, the muscles are relaxed and the eyelids remain closed. Your cat will tend to snuggle up or, on the contrary, to stretch on the side during this phase. For an adult cat, this generally represents between 9 and 12 hours of total sleep, while in kittens, this phase is almost nonexistent.
Do cats dream?
Like humans and many other mammals, cats are known to have phases of paradoxical sleep, also called REM sleep, where dreams occur. During this phase, cats can show movements of legs, facial expressions and vocalizations that suggest that they are dreaming.
It is important to ensure that your cat has a comfortable place to sleep. Cats love hot and comfortable places, such as cushions or cozy covers. If your cat has a comfortable place to sleep, it will be happier and more relaxed. It is also important to make sure that your cat has a safe environment for sleeping, out of potential predators.
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Dog's sleep
Dogs, like cats, are popular domestic animals and also have distinct sleep habits. Dogs need a lot of sleep to stay healthy and their amount of sleep can vary considerably depending on the breed, size and age of the dog. On average, An adult dog sleeps between 12 and 14 hours a day, but older puppies and dogs tend to sleep longer than healthy adult dogs.
What is the average sleep duration in dogs?
The amount of sleep that a dog sleeps depends on its age and its daily activity level.
- Puppies need a lot of sleep and can sleep until 20 hours a day, which represents around 90% of their time.
- Adult dogs reduce their time to Sleep at around 12 to 15 hours a day, or about 50 to 65% of their time.
- Elderly dogs can devote up to 75% of their day to sleep, Sleeping on average about 18 hours a day.
Sleep needs can also be influenced by physical effort, weather conditions and the level of boredom or dog exercise.
The different sleep phases in dogs
Deep sleep in dogs
Deep sleep in a dog is a phase of the sleep cycle characterized by complete muscle relaxation and reduced brain activity. During this period, the dog is motionless, its breathing is slow and regular, and its muscle tone is low. Deep sleep is essential for the physical and mental recovery of the dog, promoting the regeneration of the tissues, the consolidation of the memory and the strengthening of the immune system.
Does the dog have dreams?
During paradoxical sleep, the dog's brain finds an almost normal activity, the muscles relax and the body relaxes. It is during this phase that the dog consolidates his memories of the day through dreams. You wonder if Your dog can dream and have nightmares ? The answer is in his behavior during his sleep. As mentioned above, dreams in dogs occur when they enter the paradoxical sleep phase. During this period, you can observe muscle contractions and eye movements under their eyelids. Their muscles are completely relaxed, but their intense brain activity allows the production of dreams. According to science, it is likely that dogs dream of events lived during the day: their walks, their games, their interactions with other dogs and even their masters they love so much.
Sleep disorders in dogs
Sleep disorders in dogs can have a negative impact on their health and well-being. Common sleep problems in dogs include insomnia, sleep apnea and nightmares. Dogs can also have sleep problems due to diseases or medical problems such as arthritis, allergies, hyperthyroidism and heart failure.
As with cats, it is important to provide dogs with a comfortable and safe place to sleep. Dogs need a comfortable bed and a quiet place to rest, far from noises and distractions. Dog owners must also ensure that their pets have enough exercise and mental stimulation to promote quality sleep.
In the end, sleep is essential for the health and well-being of pets, whether cats or dogs. Understanding the unique sleep habits of each animal and provide an appropriate sleep environment can help ensure their long -term health and happiness.
Our possible actions to improve the sleep of our companion:
- A cozy place to sleep : Make sure your pet has a comfortable place for sleeping, suitable for your preferences (enclosed spaces and cozy for cats, more spacious beds for dogs).
- A sleep routine: Establish a regular sleep routine by sleeping your pet at the same time every night and awakening it at the same time every morning.
- Stimulate your cat or dog: Provide your animal enough exercise and physical stimulation and mental during the day to promote restful sleep at night.
- A healthy & balanced diet: A balanced diet, adapted to the specific needs of the animal, can promote more restful sleep. You can use our calming treats specially designed for pets, such as calm bites for cats and serenity bites for dogs, to reduce anxiety and stress.
In summary, cats and dogs are popular pets with distinct sleep habits. Cats need several naps throughout the day and sleep on average between 12 and 16 hours a day, while adult dogs sleep on average between 12 and 14 hours per day. Cats have night sleep habits and can sleep at any time, while dogs need paradoxical sleep for quality sleep. It is important to provide our pets with a comfortable and safe environment to sleep so that they can rest and be happy. So, the next time you see your cat or your dog sleeping, know that it is perfectly normal and necessary for their health and well-being. Take the opportunity to observe them, because there is nothing more soothing and more cute than seeing your pet well rested.