Eurasier: The Ideal and Faithful Companion Dog

L’Eurasier : Chien de Compagnie Idéal et Fidèle

The Eurasier is still relatively unknown in France. However, its qualities as a companion dog are undeniable. Its training is very simple and will bring extraordinary gentleness to its owner and adoptive family. It is sensitive, intelligent, and very sociable. It enjoys the contact with its owner and cannot do without it, as it does not like solitude.

Origins and History


The Eurasier breed is quite recent, dating back to the 1960s. Its creator, Julius Wipfel, had the idea of crossing a Chow Chow with a Wolfspitz. The result, a Wolf-Chow, was then crossed with Samoyeds. This created the Eurasier. Julius Wipfel was assisted in his endeavor by Konrad Lorenz, an ethologist who won the Nobel Prize for Medicine.

Physical Characteristics

The Eurasier is a medium-sized and harmonious dog. Here are some of its distinctive features:

  • Coat: It has a medium-length outer coat. The undercoat is quite dense. The hair is shorter on the head, muzzle, and ears. However, the tail and hind legs have slightly longer hair with fringes.
  • Color: All colors are allowed, except solid white, white spotted, and brown.
  • Head: Harmonious with parallel longitudinal axes of the muzzle and skull. The stop is not very pronounced. The nose is black and of medium size.
  • Ears: Triangular, medium-sized. They are erect and have rounded tips.
  • Eyes: Medium-sized, neither too deep-set nor protruding. They are dark and slightly slanted.
  • Body: The trunk is solid. The withers are marked. The croup is straight and wide. The chest reaches down to the elbows.
  • Tail: Well-furnished at the base but tapers off. It is straight and round. It can be curled to the side or carried over the back.

Behavior and Training

The Eurasier is very intelligent and can quickly get bored if not sufficiently stimulated. It loves calmness and needs to establish a strong bond with its owner and family to thrive. Training should be serious, gentle, and consistent, with a focus on positive reinforcement. Early socialization is essential to prevent it from developing fears of strangers.

Compatibility with Children and Family

The Eurasier is an excellent family dog. Its gentle and patient temperament makes it an ideal companion for children. It loves to play and is always ready to participate in family activities. Its affectionate nature and need to be close to its owners make it very endearing. However, as with any breed, it is important to supervise interactions with very young children to avoid accidents.

The Eurasier Diet Guide

The Eurasier, with its active nature and specific needs, requires a balanced and nutrient-rich diet to maintain its vitality and overall health. Here are some essential points to consider for feeding your Eurasier:

  • High-quality Proteins: Proteins are essential for muscle development and tissue repair. Protein sources such as chicken, beef, fish, and lamb are ideal for meeting the Eurasier's high protein needs.
  • Healthy Fats: Fats provide a concentrated source of energy and are crucial for healthy skin and a shiny coat. Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids, found in fish and high-quality oils, are particularly beneficial.
  • Fibers: Fibers promote good digestion and contribute to intestinal health. Vegetables, fruits, and whole grains are good sources of fiber.
  • Vitamins and Minerals: A balanced diet should include vitamins and minerals to support the immune system and overall health. Supplements can be beneficial but should be administered under veterinary supervision.

It is essential to choose a diet that matches your Eurasier's age, weight, and activity level. Always consult a veterinarian for personalized advice.

Treat Recommendations

To complement your Eurasier's diet, Marly & Dan offers a range of premium treats tailored to the needs of your four-legged companion. Here are some of the most recommended options:

  • Skin & Coat 100% Salmon Rich in Omega-3, these treats contribute to healthy skin and a shiny coat. Perfect for supporting your dog's immune system and heart health.
  • Dental M-L Helps reduce plaque and tartar, contributing to better oral hygiene.
  • Joint Support Snacks Enriched with glucosamine and chondroitin, these snacks support joint health, which is essential for an active and muscular dog like the Eurasier.

Marly & Dan treats are made in France with natural and high-quality ingredients, ensuring healthy and tasty snacks for your Eurasier. Give your dog the best by choosing Marly & Dan, a brand dedicated to excellence in pet nutrition.

Living Conditions

The Eurasier appreciates the comfort of the indoors with its family members but will always prefer a large, fenced yard to roam freely. It adapts perfectly to urban living as long as it gets enough walks and stimulation. Apartment living should be avoided for the Eurasier, which particularly enjoys large spaces to run and exercise. A house with a garden seems to be the best solution for it to thrive. In any case, the Eurasier must rely on the presence of its family because, despite its independence, it cannot stand solitude.

Health and Maintenance


As a large dog, the Eurasier is prone to hip dysplasia, like all dogs of its kind. It is therefore important to moderate its physical activity, especially in its early years, to ensure normal growth. Other hereditary diseases to watch for include Dandy-Walker syndrome, elbow dysplasia, thyroid problems, stomach torsion, and eye disorders. Additionally, its dense double coat provides excellent protection against cold and bad weather.

Despite its thick coat, the Eurasier is not particularly difficult to maintain daily. It sheds heavily, especially in spring, when it can lose a lot of hair. Its ears and eyes should be checked regularly to ensure there are no signs of dirt or infection. Brushing its teeth helps remove tartar buildup and bacterial proliferation. Finally, if its nails do not wear down naturally, they should be trimmed. If you are inexperienced in this area, it is recommended to seek advice from a veterinarian.

Price and Budget

The purchase price of a Eurasier is between €900 and €1,200. The annual maintenance cost ranges from €850 to €950, including food, veterinary care, and other necessary expenses for its well-being.

The Eurasier is a faithful, energetic companion, ideal for active families. With proper training and plenty of exercise, it will bring joy and dynamism to your home.

The Eurasier at a Glance

Easy to train:


Absolutely! The Eurasier is a gentle and playful companion, perfect for children. Its affectionate nature and need to stay close to its owners make it an excellent friend for the little ones.

Yes, the Eurasier is an energetic dog that needs a lot of exercise. Long walks and outdoor activities are essential for its well-being.

The Eurasier's ears should be regularly checked for signs of infection or dirt. Clean them with an appropriate solution recommended by your veterinarian. To keep them healthy, make sure to dry them thoroughly after bathing.