How do dogs and cats perceive us disguised for Halloween?

Comment les chiens et les chats nous perçoivent-ils déguisés pour Halloween ?

Halloween is a fun period for many of us, the opportunity to disguise ourselves and transform into strange creatures. But for our dogs and cats, these transformations can be disconcerting, even frightening. Understanding how our animals perceive our costumes can help us reduce their stress and make this party more pleasant for them. In this article, we explore how dogs and cats interpret our disguises and give advice to appease our four -legged companions during this party.

Sensory perceptions of dogs and cats

Fear dog

Dogs and cats see and perceive the world differently from humans. Their sense of sight, smell and hearing is adapted to detect the movements, sounds and smells that allow them to find their way in their environment. The disguises, which change our appearance and our smell, can therefore pose a problem for them.

  • A different vision of ours : Dogs and cats do not distinguish the colors as well as us, but are particularly sensitive to changes in shapes and silhouettes. A disguise can make them confused because they no longer immediately recognize their owner.

  • A highly developed smell : The smell of their owner is a fundamental benchmark for animals. By wearing makeup or a scented suit, you change this familiar smell, which can increase their level of stress.

Dog reactions to disguise

Dogs and cats often react instinctively to what they do not understand, especially when their owner adopts an unusual appearance. Here are some behaviors that you could observe and how to interpret them.

The most frequent behavior

  • Fear or anxiety : Some animals may be afraid of their disguised owner and be reluctant to approach. This behavior is often linked to their confusion or an interpretation of the situation as a potential threat.

  • Curiosity and confusion : Other animals will be intrigued by the changes, will observe you carefully and will be able to try to sniff you to confirm your identity.

Advice to avoid stress to your animals in Halloween

Halloween Deguise Man

Help your animal get used to disguises gradually

  • Expose them to costumes in advance : Show your animal the elements of your Halloween front costume so that it can get used to it, in particular the masks and accessories that change the shape of your face.

  • Use familiar accessories : When possible, integrate objects or clothes that the animal knows so that it finds familiar olfactory and visual benchmarks.

By applying these tips, you can enjoy Halloween by reducing the stress of your pet, allowing it to feel safe even when you are disguised.


Dogs and cats recognize their owners by signals such as smell and voice, therefore disguise can disturb them if they mask these elements.

Yes, disguises can cause fear or anxiety in animals, especially if they do not recognize the person or the familiar smell.

Approach yourself slowly, give him time to sniff and talk to him gently so that he understands that it's you under the disguise.

Some animals tolerate the costumes well, but for others, it can be a source of stress. Choose comfortable and non -binding accessories.