Why celebrate International Black Cat Day?

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International Black Cat Day is a celebration that highlights the mysticism and elegance of these often little known felines. Black cats have always been surrounded by mysteries and legends, associated with witchcraft, luck or bad luck according to cultures. This day is an opportunity to revisit these fascinating stories and to show how unique and precious companions are. Find out why we are celebrating the day of black cats.

The mysterious history of black cats

Black cats have a long story surrounded by mysteries and superstitions. In Egyptian antiquity, they were venerated as symbols of divinity, protected by the goddess Bastet. However, in the Middle Ages in Europe, their fate has changed radically. Here is an overview of their fascinating story:

  • Symbols of witchcraft : In the Middle Ages, black cats were often associated with witches and black magic. It was believed that they were familiar with witches, even witches themselves in an animal form. This association earned them to be persecuted, especially during witch hunts.

  • Bonth or unlucky doors? : According to cultures, black cats are seen as symbols of luck or unluckiness. For example, in certain regions of the United Kingdom and Japan, crossing a black cat is a sign of good fortune, while in continental Europe, they are often associated with bad luck.


How to celebrate International Black Cat Day in style

Celebrating the International Day of Black Cat is a way of paying tribute to their mystique while providing them with special attention. Here's how to make this day a memorable moment for your black feline:

Organize a thematic photo shoot

  • Dramatic staging : Highlight the mysterious elegance of your black cat by creating a photo session on the theme of mystery or Halloween 🎃. Use accessories like candles, capes, or dark sets to accentuate your cat's enigmatic aura.

  • Share on social networks : Use hashtags like #MYSTERYOFBLACKCATS or #BLACKCATDAY to educate others about the beauty and importance of these animals. You can also tell their story and help change perceptions.

Tips to promote the adoption of black cats

Let's highlight black cats

  • Share facts and myths : Inform those around you about myths surrounding black cats and why they are false. Show that these felines are as loving and adorable as any other cat, breaking the prejudices associated with them.

  • Encourage adoptions : If you work with a refuge or you are active on social networks, use your platform to promote the adoption of black cats. Often neglected due to superstitions, they need more visibility to find loving homes.

International black cat day is a unique opportunity to celebrate the beauty and mystery of these felines. By actively participating in this day, you can help change the perception of black cats and offer them a life full of happiness and love.


In the Middle Ages, black cats were linked to witchcraft, belief reinforced by their frequent presence alongside women accused of witchcraft.

In some cultures, black cats are seen as lucky charms, while in others, they are considered signs of bad luck.

Share information on myths surrounding black cats and encourage adoptions through social networks and local awareness.
