What Is the Ideal Diet for Your Cat?

Quelle est l'alimentation idéale pour son chat ?

Kibble: the complete and convenient solution for a healthy cat!

Providing your cat with a suitable diet is essential for its health and well-being. Kibble is a practical and complete option, designed to meet the specific nutritional needs of felines. As obligate carnivores, cats require a diet rich in high-quality proteins. In this article, we reveal why kibble is the ideal solution for feeding your cat and how to choose the right one to meet your companion's needs while ensuring the perfect balance between health and enjoyment.

The ideal diet for a cat

Cat eating

Understanding your cat’s nutritional needs

Before choosing anything, it's essential to understand that your cat is an obligate carnivore. This means they need animal proteins to survive, and their nutritional needs are very specific. Unlike a dog that can adapt to a more varied diet, your feline requires high-quality proteins for muscle development, a shiny coat, and overall good health.

As a carnivore, cats cannot synthesize certain vital amino acids, such as taurine, and must get them from their food. An unbalanced diet can lead to serious problems like blindness or heart failure. That's why it's crucial to provide a diet that meets their natural biological needs.

Why choose kibble for your cat?

The practical advantages of kibble

You might be wondering why so many cat owners choose kibble. In fact, kibble offers unbeatable benefits. First, it's very convenient! Unlike wet food, it’s easy to store and doesn’t require refrigeration once opened. Plus, you can leave it out for your cat throughout the day without worrying about it spoiling.

A food suited to their natural behavior

Cats are accustomed to eating several small meals throughout the day. Kibble, thanks to its dry nature, allows your feline to "nibble" whenever they want, mimicking their natural hunting behavior for small prey. No need to worry if they don’t finish their meal right away, they’ll come back whenever they please!

The benefits of kibble for cat health

An ally for good dental health

Have you ever wondered why kibble is often recommended for a cat’s dental health? It’s simple: chewing kibble helps remove tartar and keeps gums healthy. In addition, it promotes blood circulation in the gums, which is essential to prevent dental infections.

A perfect nutritional balance

High-quality kibble is specially formulated to offer the perfect balance of proteins, fats, vitamins, and minerals. It meets the specific needs of each cat, whether they are active or an indoor cat that prefers lounging on the couch. By providing the right nutrients, you ensure a long and healthy life for your cat.

How to choose the right kibble?

Key criteria to consider

Choosing the right kibble for your cat is not something to take lightly. You must consider several factors: age, weight, activity level, and even health conditions. For example, kitten kibble is rich in calories to meet their high energy needs, while kibble for senior cats is lower in phosphorus to protect their kidneys.

Kibble for specific health conditions

Some cats have specific needs. A neutered cat, for example, tends to gain weight more easily and will need kibble with reduced fat content. Cats with kidney issues will require kibble that’s rich in water and low in phosphorus. Always consult your veterinarian to adjust your cat’s diet based on their condition.

The ideal composition of kibble

Proteins: the core of a feline diet

Animal proteins should form the basis of your cat's diet. Ensure the kibble you choose contains a high amount of quality proteins, such as chicken, fish, or beef. Proteins help with muscle development, tissue repair, and provide the energy your cat needs to explore its territory.

Be cautious with carbohydrates and additives

While kibble requires carbohydrates for texture, it's important to limit their amount. Too many carbohydrates can lead to weight gain and even health issues like diabetes. Also, avoid kibble with too many additives or animal by-products. Quality should always come first.

The benefits of salmon kibble for your cat

A source of essential fatty acids

Salmon-based kibble is especially beneficial for your cat’s health. Salmon is rich in omega-3 fatty acids, essential for maintaining healthy skin and a shiny coat. These fatty acids act as a natural anti-inflammatory, helping to prevent and relieve certain skin issues, such as irritations or itching.

High-quality proteins

Salmon is also an excellent source of high-quality, easily digestible animal protein. Proteins are essential for building muscle, tissue regeneration, and providing the energy your cat needs for daily activities. By choosing salmon kibble, you’re giving your cat food that supports not only their health but also their vitality.

An irresistible taste for gourmet cats

In addition to its nutritional benefits, salmon is often loved by cats for its delicious taste. If your cat is picky or has a low appetite, salmon kibble can stimulate their hunger while ensuring a balanced and healthy diet.

Quantity and frequency of meals

How much kibble per day?

The amount of kibble your cat needs depends on their weight, age, and activity level. On average, an adult cat weighing 5 kg needs 50 to 80 grams of kibble per day. It’s recommended to divide this ration into several small meals, as cats prefer to eat little and often. Always make sure they have fresh water available.

Adjust the ration according to their needs

Each cat is unique, and their dietary needs can vary. For example, an active cat that spends its days running around will need more calories than a sedentary cat that spends most of its time sleeping. It’s important to regularly monitor their weight and adjust the amount of food accordingly.

Precautions to take with kibble

Cat eating kibble

Beware of urinary issues

Kibble, while an excellent choice for many cats, can sometimes cause problems for those who don’t drink enough water. Cats who tend to drink little are more prone to developing urinary issues, such as crystals or stones. If you notice your cat doesn’t drink much, consider adding a source of wet food to their routine.

Avoid overfeeding

One of the risks with kibble is overfeeding. Because it's left out for free feeding, it's easy for a cat to snack more than necessary. Always monitor portions and adjust them based on your cat's weight and activity level. An overweight cat is more likely to develop long-term health problems.

Kibble is a practical and balanced food solution to ensure your cat’s good health. It contributes to their dental health and provides all the essential nutrients. Remember that each cat is unique and requires special attention to tailor their diet to their specific needs. Always check the composition of the kibble and monitor their hydration to ensure their well-being on a daily basis.


Kibble is convenient to store, promotes dental health, and provides a balanced diet tailored to cats' needs, while being easy to portion.

The average is 50 to 80 grams of kibble per day for an adult cat weighing 5 kg. This can vary depending on the cat's age, weight, and activity level.

No, kibble is a dry food. It is essential to always provide fresh water for your cat to compensate for the lack of moisture in kibble.

Choose kibble rich in animal protein, low in carbohydrates, and suited to your cat's age, weight, and health. Consult a veterinarian for personalized advice.

It is possible to alternate kibble with wet foods like pâtés, but it must be done in a balanced way to avoid nutritional imbalances and maintain good hydration.