2024: The Year of Dog Names Starting with V!

Each year, the alphabet dictates the first letter of the names of the dogs of pure race, registered in the LOF (Book of French origins). For 2024, it is the letter V which is in the spotlight, offering a multitude of creative options to name your future four -legged companion. Finding the right name is essential to establish effective communication with your dog. Give free rein to your imagination to choose the one that suits him perfectly!
Alphabetical tradition for pure race dogs
For pure breed dogs recorded at LOF, an alphabetical system, established in 1926 by the Central Canine Company (SCC), determines the first letter of their name. This practice helps to easily identify the year of birth of a dog by simply referring to his name.
Choose a V -name for 2024
If you adopt a pure breed puppy this year, its name must start with the letter V. You can accept the name chosen by the breeder or offer yours. This crucial name will appear on many official documents, such as:
- The health book or the European passport of the dog;
- I-CAD registers for domestic carnivores in France;
- Insurance contracts, including civil liability for certain types of dogs.
A diminutive can be used on a daily basis, but the official name remains important.
And for dogs without pedigree?
If your dog is not pure race, the annual letter rule does not apply. In 2024, you therefore have the freedom to choose a name starting with V or any other letter of your choice.
V -name ideas for your future dog
There are a range of V -names, ranging from the most classic to the most original. These names can be inspired by the character of the puppy, the suggestions of the breeder, or your own creativity. Here are some examples for females (Vahiné, Vicky, Violette, etc.) and for males (Vadim, Vagner, Velvet, etc.).
Names for females:
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Names for males:
If the letter v does not inspire you
You can "cheat" a little by associating the letter V with another name, while respecting the ease of pronunciation for effective communication.
Tips for choosing the right name
- Favor a short name, two syllables, ending with a vowel;
- Avoid ridiculous, pejorative or vulgar names;
- Use the name consistently, without multiplying it.
Small reminder for 2023 and anticipation for 2025
In 2023, the letter U was featured. In 2025, we will jump the letter W, certain letters being considered too complicated (K, Q, W, X, Y, Z). Thus, the letter will return in 2025, recommence the cycle.
For 2024, if you have a pure breed dog, opt for a name starting with V. This is an important choice for the relationship you will establish with your dog.