Pitbull: The Energetic and Loyal Dog Who Will Be Your Best Friend

Le Pitbull : Le Chien Énergique et Loyal Qui Sera Votre Meilleur Ami

The Pitbull, also known as the American Pit Bull Terrier, is a dog whose character is often controversial. With its strong musculature and alert appearance, it is actually an almost perfect companion for families with children, provided it is well trained from a young age. Let's discover everything there is to know about this energetic and loyal dog.

Origins and History

Pitbull Dog

The Pitbull has a complex and often misunderstood history. Appearing in the late 18th and early 19th centuries, this breed was initially used in arenas to fight bulls, thus shaping its legend. In 1835, when such fights were banned in Great Britain, the breed was developed by crossing Bulldogs with terriers to create faster and more agile dogs.

Physical Characteristics

The Pitbull is a medium-sized dog with impressive musculature. Here are some of its distinctive characteristics:

  • Coat: Very short, smooth, and shiny.
  • Color: Varied, including fawn, white, black, brown, red, and other colors, solid or not.
  • Head: Round when viewed from the front, but appears conical from above.
  • Ears: Semi-erect and well straightened.
  • Eyes: Round and solid-colored.
  • Body: Short but muscular.
  • Tail: Relatively short compared to the body.

Behavior and Training

The Pitbull is an energetic and loyal dog that needs a lot of exercise and firm but gentle training. It must be socialized and trained from a young age to learn to obey and be leashed. Positive training, based on rewards and play, will help it develop loyalty and faithfulness.

Compatibility with Children and Family

The Pitbull is an excellent companion for families. If well trained, it is gentle, calm, and loyal. It loves playing with children and can become a very affectionate and protective family member. However, it is important to always supervise interactions between young children and the dog to avoid any accidents.

Pitbull's Diet Guide

The Pitbull, known for its powerful musculature and boundless energy, has specific nutritional needs to maintain its physical condition and overall health. Here are some essential elements to consider for properly feeding your Pitbull:

  • Quality Proteins: Proteins are crucial for muscle development and tissue repair. Protein sources like chicken, beef, fish, and lamb are ideal to meet the high protein needs of the Pitbull.
  • Healthy Fats: Fats provide a concentrated energy source and are essential for healthy skin and coat. Omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, found in fish and high-quality oils, are particularly beneficial.
  • Fibers: Fibers promote good digestion and contribute to intestinal health. Vegetables, fruits, and whole grains are good sources of fiber.
  • Vitamins and Minerals: A balanced diet should include vitamins and minerals to support the dog's immune system and overall health. Supplements can be beneficial, but they should be given under veterinary supervision.

It is essential to choose a diet suited to the age, weight, and activity level of your Pitbull. Always consult a veterinarian for personalized advice.

Treat Recommendations

To complement your Pitbull's diet, Marly & Dan offers a range of premium treats suited to your four-legged companion's needs. Here are some of the most recommended options:

  • Vitality Chew Bars: Ideal for training sessions and intense activities, they provide an energy boost necessary for active dogs like the Pitbull.
  • Dental Stick M-L: Helps reduce plaque and tartar, contributing to better oral hygiene.
  • Joint Chew Bars: Enriched with glucosamine and chondroitin, these snacks support joint health, essential for an active and muscular dog like the Pitbull.

Marly & Dan treats are made in France with natural and high-quality ingredients, ensuring healthy and tasty snacks for your Pitbull. Offer the best by choosing Marly & Dan, a brand dedicated to excellence in animal nutrition.

Living Conditions

The Pitbull needs plenty of space to expend its energy. A rural garden or a large yard is ideal for it. It does not tolerate being in confined spaces for too long and needs daily walks to stay in shape. In the countryside or in the city, it must be muzzled and leashed during every public outing, due to regulations for Category 1 dogs.

Health and Care

Pitbull Care

The Pitbull is generally healthy and does not have specific genetic pathologies. However, its very short coat makes it sensitive to extreme temperatures, so it is advisable to avoid taking it out in winter and exposing it to the sun for too long in summer. It can be prone to allergies and dermatitis. Its eyes, teeth, and ears should be regularly checked and maintained to prevent infections and tartar buildup.

The Pitbull has a life expectancy of 11 to 13 years. With proper care and a balanced diet, it can live a long and healthy life.

Price and Budget

The purchase price of a Pitbull ranges between €500 and €1500. The annual maintenance cost varies between €1000 and €1500, including food, veterinary care, and other necessary expenses for its well-being.

The Pitbull is an energetic and loyal companion, ideal for active families and outdoor enthusiasts. With proper training and plenty of exercise, it will bring joy and protection to your home.

The Pitbull at a Glance

Easy to Train:
Barks / Howls:


The Pitbull often has a bad reputation, but the truth is that it can be as gentle as a lamb with proper training and socialization. It is very loyal and loves its family. As with any dog, its behavior largely depends on how it is raised. With love, patience, and clear boundaries, a Pitbull can be a loving and affectionate companion.

Yes, the Pitbull can live with other animals, but it requires early and continuous socialization. Its hunting instinct can sometimes emerge, so careful and supervised introductions are essential. With proper guidance, it can learn to live harmoniously with other pets, though it often prefers to be the king or queen of the house.

Absolutely! The Pitbull is a real ball of energy that needs plenty of exercise to stay happy and healthy. It loves long walks, runs, and interactive play. Without enough activity, it can become a bit destructive. So, be prepared to spend a lot of time outdoors with your Pitbull so it can burn off its energy and stay balanced.